Sunday, May 27, 2007

Mailing Address for Kelly and Ariel

Kelly Luallin and/or Ariel Hacker
c/o Kyle & Susan Bratcher
Immelmannstrasse 34
31137 Hildesheim

phone number: 0 (11-49) 5121-51-75-88
*Good luck figuring out this phone number, but I sure don't know what it means. But dial it and we just might answer!


We made it safely to Germany on Wednesday morning around 6am local time. As you have probably guessed from the lack of postings on our blogspot, internet access is few and far between.

But, enough of the hum drum. On to our lives here in Hildesheim. Josh is living with the Roerhkasse family, and Ariel and Kelly are living with the Bratcher family. After Ariel and Josh leave at the end of the summer, Kelly will be living in an apartment with friends of the Bratcher family.

Since arriving, we have overcome jet lag! We are getting used to the cramped spaces, sorting out our garbage, and walking/biking everywhere. Ariel and Kelly will have the best looking legs on the west side of the Atlantic Ocean when they return home.

One interesting note: mullets are the fashion craze here. We would like to take a moment to remember that dreadful haircut, which faithfully died with the 80s, some 20 odd years ago. But it has made its rivival here in Germany. Viva la mullet!

The teen and pre-teen groups are excited for all 3 of us to be here, and we spent time on Friday and Saturday with the groups, touring Hildesheim and making acquaintances with the youth. We can't wait to see what God has in store for us this summer!

Pray for us as we start language school this Friday. It will be 5 hours a day, and 5 days a week. Ariel and Josh will be enrolled for 1 month, and Kelly will be enrolled for 4 months. Language can test your patience, and we can definitely use a prayer for patience.

Thank you to all those who are continually praying for us and those who have supported us financially. We would not be here if it weren't for you!