Thursday, July 12, 2007

Halt! Polizei!

Did you know that it is illegal for two people to ride on one bike in Germany? Well, Josh and Benjamin (the Bratcher's eldest son) found that out the hard way last week. Josh was hitching a ride on the back of Benjamin's bike when a Police van swerved in front of them, lights flashing an all. The Policeman held out a sign that said "Halt! Polizei!" and pulled them over. He let them off, but its a 20 Euro fine per person if you get caught trying to hitch a ride on a bike.

Speaking of Benjamin, praise God because he was baptized on July 11, 2007 by Kyle, his father. And it just so happened to be on Kyle's birthday. What a wonderful birthday present!

The weather here in Germany most certainly isn't Summertime weather. It has been cold, overcast and rainy for several weeks now. But everything is green and we are staying warm and dry despite the weather.

Thank you for your prayers for Ariel's foot! She went to the doctor and found out that her foot is not broken. She has just been walking on it a lot which caused her foot to be overworked and overstressed. She took care of it and is now able to go running and her foot doesn't bother her anymore!

I will be moving into the WG (apartment) near the end of August. Thank you so much once again for your prayers concerning my living arrangments. Please pray that I will be a positive influence on the girls whom I will be living with.

Also, please continue to pray for my language skills. I am learning more and more each day and I can now carry on simple conversations with Germans! I did make one blunder last night. I was telling Maribel, a girl in the youth group, that I wanted a piece of cake. Well, I actually said I wanted a piece of the kitchen. The word for cake is "kuchen" and the work for kitchen is "Kuche" as you can see it would be very easy to get them mixed up. Oh well. You live, you learn, you laugh.

Thanks for all your support and your prayers!
-Kelly :)