Sunday, December 23, 2007

New E-mail List

To make things a lot easier for me to stay in contact with all of you, I have created an e-mail list through Google. You can search for it under Google groups, typing in Youth Ministry in Hildesheim. To find Google groups, go to and look for the "More" tab near the top. Under that tab, you should be able to find the word "groups". Click on it and type in "Youth Ministry in Hildesheim". Once you have found the site, look on the right hand side and you should see a "Join this group" link. Click on it and from there, you should be able to figure things out.

This group is an email list, so that when I send out my monthly emails, I can just easily emailed anyone on the list. Please feel free to give anyone else this information who might enjoy the updates. Thanks so much!