Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Have a Good Horse

So I have yet another blunder in my language skills to share with you. It happened about 2 weeks ago when I was leaving the mid-week Bible Study that Jana (one of the teens) hosts at her house. I was talking with Kelsey (another one of the teens) and she said that she was about to ride across town to meet up with some friends. As I was leaving and saying goodbye, I told Kelsey "Hab ein gut Pferde"...which I thought to mean "Have a good ride/trip" but it turns out I wished that she might "have a good horse". The german words "pferde" (horse) and "fahrt" (ride/trip) sound pretty similiar. So, as you can tell, it wasn't too difficult for me to mix up the words.

Another story, which I that was cute and appropriate since Valentine's Day is coming up soon. This Sunday I was teaching Children's Bible Hour, and during the middle of my lesson I was asked a very poignant question. One of the kids, Marvin, asked me "Do you have a boyfriend?" To which I replied "Yes, I do." (My boyfriend, Bryant, is a student at OC and will intern at Littleton Church of Christ this upcoming summer...he's quite a great guy, if you don't already know him!) But anyways, Marvin was sad about my reponse and said "Oh darn!" Poor little guy was upset. He's about 6 years old, 3ft. 6in. or so tall, and will talk my ear if when given the chance. I called his mom today and told her about his crush on me, and we both shared a laugh. Moni, Marvin's mom, made a good point, though. Marvin can at least enjoy me being around...until August.

Well, as far as updates go:

My roommates, Inga and Lena F. have communicated with one another in the forms of writing letters to one another. Next week the four of us roommates are all going to sit down and talk about new rules. This means talking about what happened between Inga and Lena F., and decided what is okay, what is not okay and what things need to be changed. So please continue to pray for peace, humbleness and forgiveness. I appreciate your prayers greatly!

Lena D. and I went to the xTribe church service on Sunday night. xTribe is the congregation that Maren and Karsten, our neighbors who live about us, organize and run. Both Lenas attended the service last week, and this week Lena D. wanted to go, but since Lena F. was out out town, she asked me to go. I ask that you pray for Lena D. I think she is at a stage in her life where she is open and willing to hear about God. She's been asking me lots of questions about God, my job here in Hildesheim and why I seem so happy and joyful all the time. I am using every opportunity possible to talk to her about God, and I can tell that the wheels are turning inside her head. So please continue to pray for me and pray that Lena's mind and heart might be open to hearing the Good News.

Well, I am about to finish making a long over-due Devo Song Book for the youth group. Tomorrow I get to make tons of photocopies of my "hard copy". It should be fun!

And finally, I begin working at Scharnhorst Gymnasium on Thursday of this week! I will meet with the head of the English Department tomorrow and get my entire weekly schedule. Please continue to pray for me as I being this new endeavor. Thanks so much!