Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Oops...the order in which I uploaded the pictures wasn't the order in which they appeared. Julia and Ariel are in the top photo, and Lara and I are in the bottom photo. Thanks!

Photos, a Prayer Request and a Praise

The first photo is of Lara and Kelly. Lara is the daughter of Kyle and Susan Bratcher. She is 3 years old and is the cutest little kid ever! The second photo is of Julia and Ariel. Julia, the youngest daughter of Don and Cindy Roehrkasse, took Ariel and I out to lunch at a traditional German Pancake house in the center of Hildesheim. The pancakes were the best breakfast food ever! They are like thick crepes, only they resemble American pancakes from the toppings you can put on them: banana, chocolate, whipped cream, berries, etc.
Ariel and Josh are in the home stretch of language school. They are finished this Friday. Meanwhile, I will be in language school until the end of September.
One prayer request is for Ariel's foot. She seems to have injured it a few weeks ago and hasn't recovered fully. Please prayer that her foot heals quickly.
One praise is the girls from the Wohnungmeinschaft (apartment) have asked me to come live with them! Thank you to all of you who have been praying about this. God is good!
-Kelly :)

Monday, June 25, 2007


Here's your chance to OFFICIALLY be jealous of the three of us here in Germany... we can drink "loser tee".